Initiation and Effecting of Strategies
Business provides leadership and management that helps facilitate the ongoing business strategies and growth within BHL. The business divisions are made up of Hardlines, Publishing and Softlines which drive opportunities within the retail and product space.

From concept to final product
Creative is where we come up with the concepts and direction for new products. We manage the approval process to ensure product is always exciting and on brand.Taking queues from international trends while staying in tune with our local market needs, we bring fresh concepts to the retail space.

Solutions to drive awareness & sales
Marketing formulates plans in alignment with local and global brand strategies to drive awareness and sales. We have insight, knowledge and expertise to guide licensees and retailers on how to best utilize our brands for the benefit of their business.

Deals & Contract Administration
Legal and Finance is responsible for deals and contracts, finance alignment, reporting as well as building relationships with key partners.